Following is an article written by my friend TJ Couzens with BrandX Research. His company does research on the women’s market so they are pretty informed about female market and what women want. You should know how women impact the health care field. With health care serving as the centerpiece for heated Washington debates, it…
Month: January 2012
BITCH – Slang a. a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman. b. a lewd woman. c. a person who whines Does that word still bother you? Does the fear of being called a bitch or categorized as bitchy stop you from negotiating for the better deal, or getting things done the way you want or need them? Do you realize that one of…
Same Destination, Different Paths
Men and women want to achieve the same things but they are not always on the same path to accomplish the goal. For women it is often about the journey, for men it is about getting to the destination. Here is a clip of a presentation that I did in California to a room of…
Handwritten Notecards—An Attitude of Gratitude
As 2011 was moving out and the 2012 was moving in, Lorraine Ball and I were taking our weekly long walk on the Monon discussing and solving all the problems of the world or at least our world. The topic of people saying thank you came up. Lorraine has been interviewing people for a position…