When you love what you do, people are attracted to you!
Do you LOVE what you do? Would you do it for free if you had to? I love what I do every single day. I know that what I do makes a major difference in the lives of others, I wake up in the morning excited about my day. Do you?
This morning as I was speaking to a prospect for the Referrals for Life Program, and I was struck by her belief in herself and that what she does is important and helps others in their lives as well. I thought to myself, this is exactly the kind of person that I like to work with, one who loves what they do and wants to get better at their job. Her commitment to herself and her passion for helping her clients was obvious.
Passion is like the sweet nectar of a flower, it attracts the honey bee, who takes it to the hive to share with their “network”. When you are passionate about what you do, your network taps into that passion and carries it out into their networks for you.
People want to work with people who believe in themselves. It is easier to put your trust in someone who believes that they are the best at what they do, and it is also easier to refer that person to others.
So, let me ask you, do you believe in what you do, are you passionate, and does it show?