If you work for a Not For Profit Organization then you need to read this article on why it is important to network! All things being equal, people want to do business with people they know, like and trust. That includes Not For Profit Organizations. I am speaking a the AFP or Association of Fundraising…
Tag: networking
Are You Tracking Your Referrals?
Tracking where your business referrals are coming from is one of the most important tasks you can do! Referrals can come to you from many different directions. Some will come from people you meet at networking events, some may come to you from your existing customers, and others may come from your trained Referral Partners. You…
Success Does Not Happen by Luck
Do not rely on luck to build success! Luck is for a mature person. Don’t believe it? Ask any profession poker player, they do not play with the hope that they get lucky and get the right cards, they learn everything they can about the card game. They learn the odds, they learn the tells,…
The Secret to Sales or Referrals Starts with Listening
Learning how to be a good salesperson is the key to having a successful business! When I was a little girl I would go to work with my grandfather who sold and installed flooring. I remember asking him one time why he did not talk a lady into buying a different product than the one…