I will show you how expressing gratitude can create joy in your life!
The Small BoxThinkkit prompt was an easy one this time – What are you grateful for this year? The list is long and often contemplated by me in quiet moments. I have a journal, and I make it a practice to regularly write what I am grateful for.
Several years ago I decided that I no longer wanted to collect things, rather I wanted to collect memories, experiences and relationships. This has certainly been a year for all of those good things, right up to the very end!
I am grateful for some of the most amazing people in my life. Clients who I love working with, who inspire me every time we meet, members of my network who are always there to support me when I ask for help, a team who is amazing. I am grateful that I can trust them to run my business when I am not around. I am grateful for friends who encourage me, for those who forgive me and my screw ups and keep being my friend despite it, as well as those who have moved out of my life for whatever reason they chose to move. Lastly for a family that I enjoy, who support me, cheer me on and make me laugh.
I am grateful for the experiences of a book release, a book tour, awards, and opportunities. All of these come together to create amazing memories that will go forward with me throughout my life.
Most of all, I am just grateful that everyday I wake up and get to participate in another day. I am grateful for the opportunity to stand on stage and inspire others to create a life beyond living. I am grateful for the opportunities that this life affords me everyday. There is indeed a joy that is hard to express behind the gratitude!
If you really want to be happy, learn to be grateful, everyday at the end of the day write in your calendar or in your journal 3-5 things that you are grateful for. I do this regularly, in fact when I am driving down the road I often recite what I am grateful for. It gives me a wonderful sense of joy!
Try it!