Have you ever thought about the accomplishments of your network, or what your own accomplishments are!
What have you accomplished that you are proud of? Does it build your credibility professionally when you tell others about what you have achieved? I use the GAINS Profile from Dr. Misners Book: Business by Referral to get to know the people in my network. It is interesting how long it takes women to come up with accomplishments around their business. Often when I ask them what they are most proud of they will tell me that they are most proud of their children. Unfortunately, while raising children is a noble cause it will not build credibility with other business professionals or potential clients.
Do you know what the proudest accomplishments are of your fellow network members? Do you know why it is important that you know that bit of information? Have you ever thought about it? Like most busy networkers, you probably have not thought about it, but it is an important piece of information to know about those people whom you want to refer business to.
Credibility And Achievements
Knowing what a person has accomplished, what their achievements are, builds their credibility. It also allows me to build their credibility when I am referring them.
Chuck Zimmerman is a trainer for Paul Lushin Sandler Sales and prior to becoming a trainer Chuck managed a very successful sales team who consistently hit their sales goals using the Sandler system himself. That is an accomplishment that allows me to build his business credibility when I am referring to him, and it moves him up the referral curve plus it lets the person who I am referring know that he is a credible trainer who walks the walk.
What are your accomplishments? Do you share them with your referral sources and network members? Can they build your credibility for you? Often when I ask women, what is your proudest accomplishment I will hear the following…..”My Children” or “I have raised 3 children” while that is an accomplishment, it is not one that I can carry to a prospect and use to build your credibility. “Mr. Smith you should do business with Susie because she has raised 3 kids!” Unless Susie is selling something to do with taking care of children, Mr. Smith is going to give me the “have you lost your mind” look.
Take sometime and make a list of the things you have accomplished in your business that you are proud of and teach them to your referral partners so they can build your credibility, in return you can learn from your network what are the things they have accomplished that they are proud of. Giving you the tools to build the credibility of your network members.