Walk the Talk Into 2013

I launched into 2013 a day early, today is the 31, I spent the morning with a trainer working out a routine for me to use each day that I am here for my work out and that I can carry with me to other places when I need to.  I spent time purging all the junk food out of my house again, I have been on a two week gluttony vacation, and filled it with great fresh foods, bought my vitamins and supplements and I am now completely ready for venturing into a 2013 with healthy habits and commitment.

2012 was a year of change for me. I continued my path of healthy living, weight loss and getting fit. Moving from a size 18 to a 14 in 2010 was a great accomplishment. In 2012 I decided to take up fitness and began a walking regiment early in the mornings. That amazingly moved 14 and me from to a 10 but that was really a bonus, it also allowed me to create a habit to taking care of myself first, getting centered early in the day, and then moving forward in my day.

2013 will see me create more new habits, now I am aware that I need to build strength and tone my body as well as the discipline of sticking to a morning habit to caring for myself. I will be meditating more, writing more, marketing more, traveling more, empowering and inspiring others more, in 2013 I will be more.

I have learned that for me to achieve the things in my life that I really want to do, to stand on stage in front of hundreds of people and tell them they can succeed and achieve their dreams I must first show them that I too can do the work, instead of just tell them how to do the work.  I must walk my own talk. If I am not healthy, if I am not energetic and pursuing my dreams with passion how can I lead others to do the same?

I do not lose weight and get fit because it is fashionable to do so; I do it so that I can show others it is possible to achieve your dreams with commitment, courage, and a little fun along the way any thing is possible!


Wandering into 2013 with commitment

Smallbox Thinkkit    What’s one step you can take to support a goal you have for 2013?

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