What is the difference between a contact, a referral source, and a referral partner? Do you know? What is not knowing costing you?
There is a clear distinction between the three and most of the people out there networking today are working with contacts and referral sources, few have referral partners. What would you business look like today if you had 5 people completely trained to send you level 14 referrals and up? It is possible.
Dan, Craig, Lloyd, and Aaron started out as contacts in each others database, then they became referral sources and happily began working with one each other. Craig decided to take it up a notch, he convinced each of the others to attended a Referral Institute Program where they were trained to be referral partners for each other. What is the big difference, referral partners are trained to generate pro-active referrals for their partners. The Referral Institute, taught them to be partners and took them up a level. Today, they work for each other in a pro-active manner!